She had a range of motion examination, during which it was confirmed that her hips, knees and ankles are very hyper-flexible. Her knees have improved from the strength training in physical therapy, but her ankles still easily allowed her feet to bend almost up to her shins. It's creepy.
Obviously, this kind of flexibly makes walking a scary and uncomfortable thing to learn. Even with high quality high top shoes, her ankles turn every which way. The doctor said she would benefit greatly from some ankle braces. She cooperated fairly well during the casting process, and we will get them in a month. The hope is that once she gets them, she will feel comfortable enough to begin learning to stand independently and eventually walk.

Her x-rays showed some "steepness" in her pelvis in the socket where the top of the femur sits. This is probably just because she's only recently started weight bearing. They said they'd take a look at her next appointment to see if it's resolved itself.
I think the staff was a little nonplussed at my lack of worry over the whole affair. It took almost 3 months to get this appointment. If we'd gone in January, I would have been a nervous wreck. Three months of hard work in and out of therapy change your perspective.
Leg braces? Great!
Little tiny walker? Fabulous!
A prescription for more therapy 2-3times a week?
Bring it on. We can do this.
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