Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Highlights 8/26/11

Molly: What kind of monkey is this?
Me: I don't know.
Molly: Is it a polar monkey?
Me: Why?
Molly: Because it has a white beard around it's face!

Molly: I have a sword in my mouth (sore)

Molly: Yes your magicsty...

Molly started dance:

They each have a hula hoop to do floor stretches:

Molly, when asked to sit and smile:

In other news, it rained last week. For the first time in a LONG time. Molly was so excited, she HAD to go outside and play:

Excited, soaked, and happy 3 year old:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Highlights 8/22/11

Lucy Toddler was standing up in her high chair after lunch. I told her sternly to sit, turned around to put something on the counter, and when I looked back, she was sitting on the tray. Later, she demonstrated her ability to pull out a chair, climb in it, and climb on top of the kitchen table. (I have yet to see this ability, only the resultant toddler-drinking-sister's-drink-on-top-of-the-table spectacle).

In non-daredevil news, here is an adorable picture of Molly Toddler teaching Lucy Toddler some shapes

Molly Sings the ABCs

Though she "modulates" several times, I'm beginning to hope that she will one day be able to carry a tune :-)

At the end, she immediately asks "can I see it now?". Three-year-olds aren't vain at all ;-)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Scary Monkey

Molly Toddler drew this today:

She said it was the scary monkey from Toy Story 3:

I think she nailed the spirit of the character, if not all the details.

Friday, August 12, 2011

It's funny because it's a joke!

I was telling Molly some silly jokes (Where does a cow go to look at art? A Moo-seum!) and she came up with this one:

Molly: What does the frog do for a job?
Me: What?
Molly: He's an Arche-frog-ogist!!! You know- like Dora's mom! (who is an archaeologist)
I was quite impressed by her original word play here :-)

Where do grandfather frogs live?
Me: Where?
Molly: In frog town!
Me: Why is that funny?
Molly: Because it's a joke!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday Highlights 8/11/11

A song by Molly:

I'm a little butterfly
I have rainbow wings
I fly over the house and kiss your cheek
and kiss you when I love you soooooo much
And I know you are best to help a little boy

This was accompanied by a fabulous dance as well. I can't wait until I can take videos on my phone :-D

Laundry Helpers:

Puppet show:

Molly Toddler: Author, Mathematician, Artist

Molly Toddler is on her way to becoming a very prolific artist and author. She's always enjoyed drawing and "writing", but she's recently developed the skills to consistently make recognizable letters.

Yesterday, she brought me this and said it was the alphabet:

Upon review, she did get most of it:

Also, note that she signed the bottom several times :-)

Last week, she wrote these numbers:

The 6, 8, and 10 are especially good :-)

This morning, she drew this cow. I actually knew what it was before she told me! Note that it is "jumping over some moons".

Good thing I stocked up on crayons, colored pencils, and cheap paper with the back-to-school sales. Looks like I'm gonna need it!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Molly and Mommy play a duet

Since I started playing the piano regularly a few weeks ago, Molly has become very interested and wants to help!

You can see her face better in this one, but please excuse my playing!

Any thoughts or suggestions regarding when to start piano lessons? I don't think it would work well for me to teach her, and I'm not sure at what age most teachers begin accepting students. I was 4 or 5 when I first started, but didn't really get into it until I was 10...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sunday Highlights 8/7/11

Lucy Toddler's new favorite food is "nah-doo" (noodles). She requests them often and loudly.

Lucy has also been hitting (slapping really) lately, so we've started talking about being "soft". She will now very deliberately pat your face and say "faaaah". If you're lucky, she'll also give you big wet toddler french kiss on the cheek.

Molly: I'm using the purple "stickers" to make em-pe-lopes. (envelopes)
She was folding up post-its...

Molly: You're a reindeer!
Me: Are you Santa!
Molly: YES!
Me: Then where's your beard?
Molly (with-out skipping a beat): I shaved it!

Molly: I'm being a spy!
Me: Really? What's a spy?
Molly: That means when somebody creaps around and sneaks so that nobody sees somebody! That's what I learned at church! Do you know who are the bad spies? 10! 10 bad spies!
Me: And how many are good?
Molly: 2!
Me: Do you remember their names?
Molly: Yes! Do you remember the test? I'll show you the test who's about to say it.
Me: Ok... Can you tell me the names?
Molly (holding a doll) This girl will... Goliath and... what are the two nice guys?
Me: The two nice guys are Joshua and Caleb.
Molly: Oh. The two spies were Joshua and Caleb mama. Mommy, I will start over...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday Highlights 8/2/11

I was holding Lucy in a store today, and she wanted down.
Lucy: Play?
Me: No.
Lucy: PLAY???
Me: No.
Lucy: PLAY... ME?
She's said more than one word in succession before (More Crackers, Milk Please, etc.), but this was a sentence! Verb + Noun = My sweet smart kiddo.

Molly enjoys wearing stick on earrings. Tonight after her bath...
Molly: I want to throw away my earrings.
Daddy: Go ahead sweetie.
Molly: Buuuuut, I don't want them to stick to the floor if I drop them. So I'm going to stick them to each other and then throw them away. That way if they fall they won't stick.
Daddy Toddler and I were impressed at the level of critical thinking she demonstrated.

I leave you with Molly performing a rousing rendition of "Heffalumps and Woozles" (you'll need to turn the volume up!):