Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sunday Highlights 8/7/11

Lucy Toddler's new favorite food is "nah-doo" (noodles). She requests them often and loudly.

Lucy has also been hitting (slapping really) lately, so we've started talking about being "soft". She will now very deliberately pat your face and say "faaaah". If you're lucky, she'll also give you big wet toddler french kiss on the cheek.

Molly: I'm using the purple "stickers" to make em-pe-lopes. (envelopes)
She was folding up post-its...

Molly: You're a reindeer!
Me: Are you Santa!
Molly: YES!
Me: Then where's your beard?
Molly (with-out skipping a beat): I shaved it!

Molly: I'm being a spy!
Me: Really? What's a spy?
Molly: That means when somebody creaps around and sneaks so that nobody sees somebody! That's what I learned at church! Do you know who are the bad spies? 10! 10 bad spies!
Me: And how many are good?
Molly: 2!
Me: Do you remember their names?
Molly: Yes! Do you remember the test? I'll show you the test who's about to say it.
Me: Ok... Can you tell me the names?
Molly (holding a doll) This girl will... Goliath and... what are the two nice guys?
Me: The two nice guys are Joshua and Caleb.
Molly: Oh. The two spies were Joshua and Caleb mama. Mommy, I will start over...

1 comment:

  1. I love Lucy's words! when she says mommy, daddy, passy or Uncle, I think its the cutest thing in the world :)
