Me: Molly please come pick up your clothes in the living room.
Daddy Toddler: I'll do it. I'm the one who told her to take her pajamas off in there.
Me: No, Molly needs to do it.
Molly: Daddy can do it. They don't care who puts them away.
I love when Lucy Toddler asks to play "tenten" (pretend). So cute :-)
Molly (looking at a B2 flying in for an airshow): That's not a real plane. I think it's just a kite with no tail.
Molly was imitating Pingu.
Me: Are you making noises like Pingu does?
Molly: Yes mom... that's how he communicates!
Lucy (quite distressed and wringing her shirt): Oh no, my apples are dirty.
Me: Sweetie, you haven't been eating any apples.
Lucy (lifts up shirt): No, my apples are dirty!
I realized then that she meant her nipples.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Lucy sings "I've got a Diamond, Yeah!"
If she's this excited about diamonds now, I feel sorry for her future admirers ;-)
Just to be clear, she was excited about a puzzle piece shaped like a diamond. I don't give my 2 year old jewelry ;-)
Just to be clear, she was excited about a puzzle piece shaped like a diamond. I don't give my 2 year old jewelry ;-)
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Science, Math, and Reading, Toddler Style
Molly Toddler and I were talking about the impending arrival of baby #3. She was trying to get her head around how a baby could fit in my tummy if it was as big as one of her dolls.
Molly Toddler and I were talking about the impending arrival of baby #3. She was trying to get her head around how a baby could fit in my tummy if it was as big as one of her dolls.
Me (gesturing): The baby will be about this tall. But she has to be curled to fit in my tummy. So when she comes out, she'll like to snuggle in a little ball.
Molly: Oh. So that's why your tummy is so round.
Me: Yes, that's a great observation!
Molly: Yeah... I'm such a scientist!
I was changing Lucy Toddler's diaper, and she said "I want a cup". I gave her one of the green cups in the bathroom, and she said "no, I want TWO cups". I gave her the other one, and she's says "Look! It's two cups!" and then proceeds to happily speak to them in Lucy-ese or a minute or so. I was impressed by her counting :-)
Molly has memorized the entire narration for the "Monster at the End of this Book" iPad app. When we found the book at the library, she HAD to borrow it. Presenting a dramatic reading:
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Toddler Highlights 2/16/12
You know Lucy Toddler is a second child because when we caught her in the middle of this, Daddy Toddler and I both went for our cameras:

Why yes, that is an entire cube of butter...
Molly: Mommy, did you know that faces are different shapes?
Me: Sure.
Molly: I have a circle face, you have a oval face, and Grandma has a triangle face.
Me: What about papa?
Molly: Umm... he has an oval face like you.
While wearing a wool coat, I accidentally shocked Molly.
Molly: Mom! That hurt. It was ex-static electricity!Lucy was using the potty at Target last week.
Me (trying to encourage her): Can you show me how you can peepee in the potty?
Lucy got this mischievous look on her face and deliberately squeezed her legs together for a moment.
Lucy (stops squeezing, looks down, looks back at me): Peek-A-Boo!
It was all I could do to not roll around laughing on the bathroom floor. Luckily I held it together, because that particular game of peek-a-boo was not something she needs to think is funny.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Toddler #3 28 Week Ultrasound
If you'd like to a sneak peak of baby number 3 and have plenty of time to spare, here are videos of the ultrasound! :-)
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Toddler Highlights 2/5/12
Me (while driving, to both girls): I love you.
Lucy: I love you too Mommy!
I love that she not only says "I love you" back, she makes the sentence more complicated.
Molly (during the same drive): Mom! There's a "Silent E" on my shirt.
Me: That's right. You should show your teacher.
Molly: Yeah, I don't think she knows about "Silent E"s...
I recently downloaded "Good Golly Miss Molly" and "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". They were well received, and are now frequently requested. However, Molly some amusing interpretations of the lyrics.
Molly (listening to Good Golly Miss Molly): Mom, I think this song was about me when I was two.
Me: Why?
Molly: Because he is singing about when I was "short like a ball".
Me (singing): Lucy in the Sky with Diii-aaaamonds.
Molly: Um mom, I thought it was Lucy in the Sky with Diapers.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
An Unusual Education
This story is brought to you by acid reflux disease. If you can't beat it, learn how to make it hilarious.
Burping is an art form in my family. My mom's brother is especially adept, and the skill has been passed down through the generations. I was telling Molly about how I helped her Uncle Ryan hone his burping skills, when she got very upset.
Molly: NO mom. People just DON'T teach anyone how to do that.
Me: Why not?
Molly: It's bad manners.
Me: But some people think it's funny. Burps are kind of bad manners, but they're also funny sometimes.
Molly (giving me a teenage worthy "look"): Mom... I think there's something wrong with you...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Chicken Issues
Molly Toddler has never been a big meat eater. She doesn't mind eating a small portion, but the girl would just rather have a huge plate of broccoli. This isn't a bad thing, but it does mean that we've not hashed out the finer points of where meat comes from... til now.
I think her confusion is understandable. Because of modern grocery stores, the meat we buy looks nothing like the animal it comes from. (Except in the case of the boss.) Anyway, I think it's hilarious that she's envisioning going up to a live chicken and just taking a big 'ol bite.
After eating at Chic-Fi-La, Daddy Toddler and Molly started talking about eating chicken. He was trying to convince her that they were, in fact, eating chickens.
Molly: Well, we eat "chicken" but we don't eat animal chicken.
Daddy: No sweetie, we do eat animal chickens.
Molly: No! You can't just bite a chicken! We have to be nice to animals. And.... it would cluck in your mouth!
I think her confusion is understandable. Because of modern grocery stores, the meat we buy looks nothing like the animal it comes from. (Except in the case of the boss.) Anyway, I think it's hilarious that she's envisioning going up to a live chicken and just taking a big 'ol bite.
She and I had a conversation the next day about different kinds of food, how our bodies need things like protein and vitamins, and herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. About 3/4 of the way through she looked at me, sighed and said "Mom... you are talking too much".
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Family Matters
One of the few perks of living in the great state of LA, is that we are close to family. The Toddler girls love seeing their grandparents often, and it's great to have support from relatives. My girls have a very special love for their "Uncle Rynan". He's been wrapped around their little fingers for almost 4 1/2 years, and is an awesome uncle.
The other day, Molly came into the living room with plaid shorts on. Since it's January, I told her that shorts weren't the best choice.
Molly: But Mom! They're just like what Uncle Ryan wears! I look beautiful like he does!
As troublesome as my beautiful girl taking fashion tips from a grungy male college student might be, it pales in comparison to another recent situation.
I had my hand on my tummy, and Molly stuck out her belly, started rubbing it, and innocently said...
Molly: There's a baby in my tummy too! It's Uncle Ryan's baby!
After I finished stifling my laughter, I did my best to explain to her that Uncle Ryan couldn't be her baby's daddy.
Me: People that are in families don't get married to each other. You have to marry someone that's not already in your family. When two people get married, they make a new family! So when your daddy and I got married, we made a new family. Then we wanted it to grow, so we had you and Lucy.
Clearly I didn't make much of an impact...
Molly (gently cradling a doll the next day): Look mommy! It's Uncle Ryan's baby that was in my tummy!
Monday, January 23, 2012
What's "the Boss"?
Molly: What are you cooking?
Me: Chicken
Molly: What kind of chicken?
Me: Just a whole chicken.
Molly: Oh! Maybe it's like "the boss"!
Who's "the boss"? It's more like what's "the boss"?
A year or so ago, Daddy Toddler was playing a game called Super Meat Boy. It's an homage to 8 bit arcade games featuring crazy hard levels and minimal graphics. Anyway, Molly was quite fascinated by it, and frequently built "Burmie Boy" out of Legos.
One day she came into the living room and told me she was going to scare me. She proceeded to whip out this:

Me: Um... Molly, that's not scary. That's a pretend turkey.
Molly: No mommy. It's a boss.
Me: A boss?
Molly: Yes. Like in Burmie Boy.
I think she was talking about this guy:

I guess I can see it. After that day (for the last year or so) when she wants to try to scare us, she brings out the boss. It's a hilarious Molly specific thing :-)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Saturday Highlights 1/22/12
We were listening to Trans Siberian Orchestra in the car.
Molly: Mommy, this is really fun Pirate Music!Lucy sat down on a doll, realized it, and retrieved the toy.
Lucy (worriedly): Oh, I'm sorry baby!
Me: Lucy, I love you sooooo much.
Lucy: Um... I love-a-sammich! Eat?
I see where I stand...
I'm excited to get to feature more Lucy quotes. She'll be 2 in less than a month and has a lot to say!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
1/18/12 NEW POST!!!
How did almost two months go by without a blog post? Oops!
Today, I was giving Molly instructions while we got ready for school. She turned to me and exasperatedly said: Mom... you talk too much!
Here, Lucy serenades us with about 90% of the ABC song:
Molly loves teaching things to her little sister (this was their idea):
I love how Lucy says "baa".
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