Molly Toddler and I were talking about the impending arrival of baby #3. She was trying to get her head around how a baby could fit in my tummy if it was as big as one of her dolls.
Molly Toddler and I were talking about the impending arrival of baby #3. She was trying to get her head around how a baby could fit in my tummy if it was as big as one of her dolls.
Me (gesturing): The baby will be about this tall. But she has to be curled to fit in my tummy. So when she comes out, she'll like to snuggle in a little ball.
Molly: Oh. So that's why your tummy is so round.
Me: Yes, that's a great observation!
Molly: Yeah... I'm such a scientist!
I was changing Lucy Toddler's diaper, and she said "I want a cup". I gave her one of the green cups in the bathroom, and she said "no, I want TWO cups". I gave her the other one, and she's says "Look! It's two cups!" and then proceeds to happily speak to them in Lucy-ese or a minute or so. I was impressed by her counting :-)
Molly has memorized the entire narration for the "Monster at the End of this Book" iPad app. When we found the book at the library, she HAD to borrow it. Presenting a dramatic reading: