She became a master in the arts of evasion and dramatics during this time. It was both incredibly frustrating and completely hilarious. The following anecdotes are in no particular order, but they happened over the last year and a half:
I told Molly she was going to get a "super surprise" if she pooped in the potty. She immediately and excited guessed "Mommy- is it a picture of the statue of liberty?!" (She's a little obsessed)
Molly was carrying a Super Why "potty present" into the bank. When the teller asked what her toy was, Molly yelled "ITS FOR GOING POOPOO!!!" in the otherwise silent bank.
In the middle of a great tantrum on the potty, Molly suddenly calmed down and started deep relaxing breathing. I complemented her and she said "Shhhh Mommy. I'm just sleeping. I can't potty!". (She has since developed voluntary situational narcolepsy. I imagine it's quite convenient :-p)
Molly was tooting on the potty. I asked her if she needed to poop and she said "No, my poop is in the bed." Greatly alarmed, I asked her what she meant. She said "My poop can't go in the potty: it's sleeping in a pretend bed!".
Once, in great frustration, I cried "Molly, I wish I had a big girl who didn't poop in her pants!". She answered "Well, what about Lucy?". (As if 2 month old Lucy could take Molly's place on the potty so that her big sister could continue wearing diapers...)
Molly started (and continues) to vividly and
accurately describe the results of a successful potty experience:

- "It's kinda like a finger"
- "Is it a potato?"
- (when two pieces rested at a right angle) "Look! It's a letter T!"
- "Aww... it's a family! Look, that one is a liiiiiiiiitle baby. And that one is the mommy. Look, the mommy is feeding the baby like you feed baby Lucy!
What is the funniest thing your kid did during the potty training process?
Chloe tries to convince me every time that what's in the potty is Play Doh and she should be able to play with it. *shudder*
ReplyDeleteBleh- she'd only do that once... :-p
ReplyDeletemwahaha, these made me laugh!
ReplyDeleteThe time when she said that "the mommy poop was nursing the baby poop" was just about the funniest thing she's ever done :-p I about fell out ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnthropomorphic poop FTW!