After a two second panic attack, I realized that Lucy was quite happy and not in immediate danger of bleeding out. So, eyes blazing with mommy madness, I turned to Molly.
Me (in a a voice that might have been louder than absolutely necessary): WHAT IS ON LUCY'S FACE?
Molly: I don't know
Molly: I think it's red paint!
Further inspection revealed tubes of hot pink and orange gel food coloring.
Molly: I just found it in Kitchen. On the counter. With my stool...
Me: You do NOT use Mommy's food coloring. We have to throw away your Curious George!
Molly: NOOOOO! And the bear and Baby Heather too?
I looked a saw that she had carefully put food coloring on a stuffed bear's nose and tummy. Then, I saw what I believe to be her motivation for the entire incident:

Me: Molly, did you try to paint Baby Heather's toe nails?
Molly: Yes! I just wanted to help Baby Heather feel better.
We were able to salvage Baby Heather, the green floor rug, Lucy's pants, and several hard plastic toys. Lost forever are Lucy's shirt, a teddy bear, some doll clothes, Curious George, and our ability to ever sell this house without replacing the carpet.
I made Molly take her Curious George outside, tell him goodbye forever, and throw him in the big trashcan. Hopefully it will stick with her for the next time she decides to play beauty salon...
to my great relief Baby Heather made it safe and sound! I would be so sad if my name sake had hit the trash!
ReplyDeleteAnd now Curious George sits in a compost heap, remembering the fun times he had with Molly. He cries himself to sleep every night surrounded by the trash other unwanted items of other households. With each passing day, he hopes that one day he can see his beloved Molly again, but alas, he never will...
ReplyDeleteUm wow... depressing much :-\