Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday and Friday Highlights 3/25/11

Molly Toddler came to one of Lucy's therapy sessions for the first time yesterday. The staff was amused :-)
Therapist: What's your favorite show?
Molly: Kipper!
Therapist: Oh, who is Kipper?
Molly: Um, he's just a dog...
Therapist: Does he have adventures? Does he fly to the moon?
Molly: No, he just pretends to fly to the moon.

Molly: Why is it dark at nighttime?
Me: Because the sun goes to sleep.
Molly: Um, no mommy, the sun goes down.

We were listening to Signing Time in the car and a song came on that talked about brushing and flossing.
Molly: I'm going to brush my bear's teeth... On no, now he's loss-ing his teeth! My poor bear "loss"-ed his teeth. They are so lost!
It hurt my heart to correct her... so cute!

Molly (holding a little American flag): Look Mommy! I'm "wagging" my flag like a puppy's tail!
Me: you mean you're waving the flag?
Molly: Yes... and also wagging.

Lucy Toddler loves to play the "thank you" game. Here's a peek :-)

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