Me: Molly, I will love you forever and always.
Molly: I will love you always too!
Me: Aww, thank you sweetie!
Molly (shaking with excitement): Mommy! Always rhymes with hallways! They sound the same!

Molly: I want to water my flowers! And dig them with my rake!
Me: Please don't dig, that will kill them. Just water them.
Molly: I want to water ALL the thirsty plants!
(several minutes later)
Me: Molly, you need to go get your watering can and come inside.
Molly: Mom, stop talking. That's enough.
Oh the sass... can't wait until she's a teenager :-\
Molly: Where's my bear? I can't find him. He was all the way from California!
I have absolutely no idea where she learned that state...
Me: Molly, I just love your imagination.
Molly (makes a hilarious frowny face and says in a fake deep voice): I don't have a 'magination.
Molly: My orange ball is not bouncing very high because it doesn't have a lot of En-jer-gy. (throws it up high). Now it has a LOT of en-jeri-gy!
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