Saturday, April 30, 2011

Let's go Fly a Kite

Molly Toddler gives a rousing rendition of "Let's go Fly a Kite" from Mary Poppins.

She won't be winning American Idol, but you have to admire her enthusiasm!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

See Lucy Climb

See Lucy. See Lucy climb. Climb, Lucy, climb!

Seizing the Day Toddler Style

If Molly and Lucy Toddler could you give you advice, I think they'd tell you this:

1) Eat the biggest, tastiest looking piece of food first.

2) Kisses have magic powers. (And what they don't heal, themed band-aids will fix)

3) Toys are best played with when you can see all of them at once. Cleaning up is for sissies. (Molly's room this evening could totally be a candidate for Toddler Hoarders.)

4) Don't let any good thing go to waste. (Today I peeked in to the backseat and Molly was licking the chocolate off the inside of her granola bar wrapper.)

5) When you're stuck by a train, shake with joy. You get to watch a train! (This happened the other day when we were on a schedule and got stuck by TWO trains. Molly was thrilled, though I did not share her enthusiasm.)

6) Enjoy the ride. When you're on the interstate, squeal with delight every time you go on an overpass or pull some G's on a turn. (Molly's love of "overpasses" is all consuming when we are in a car. She begs to go on each one she sees.)

7) It's always time for a party. (Molly ardently follows this advice. As soon as Daddy Toddler gets home from work, she meets him at the door screaming "DADDY! DO YOU WANT TO COME TO THE PARTY IN MY ROOM!!!".)

8) Never do all the things you should do before bed. That way, you have a legitimate reason to get back out.

9) Christmas songs, stories, and decorations are appropriate year round. (When she was 2, Molly's favorite song was Jingle Bells for about 6 months after Christmas. Just last night, she begged to read How the Grinch Stole Christmas.)

10) If it's worth doing, do it right. If you're going to run, run as fast as you can. (Skinned knees will happen; that's what Hello Kitty Band-aids are for- see #2) If you're going to yell, yell as loudly as you can. If you're going to get upset about something, let it consume you until you lose control of 94% of your bodily functions. (When Molly gets incredibly upset about something, she often toots in anger. I usually have to leave the room because I'm laughing so hard.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday Highlights 4/27/11

Molly: I'm going to curl your hair. I'm gonna roll it and roll it and tie it up into circles!
Me: Ok...
Molly: hm... I tried and tried and I just can't do it.

Last night Lucy Toddler looked at the curtain in the bathroom and said said/signed frog. Then we pointed to the fish and she excitedly signed fish! This morning we walked outside to the car and Lucy grinned and said "Ah-Sigh" while signing outside. This was the first time! She also signed and said sun for the first time during our walk this evening.

Molly: Mommy don't speak.
I don't...
Molly: Mommy? Mommymommymommymommymommymommymommy? Don't say anything! You can't say ANYTHING!
She tiptoes towards me...
Molly: Boo!
Me: Ah!
Molly: Wasn't that scary?!

Yesterday, Lucy learned a new skill!

Not bad for a kid that can't walk! This afternoon, she figured out how to get back out of the chair. When praised, she said "I did it!". At first I wasn't sure, but a friend was over and she heard it too!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

When I was a kid, I remember waking up at the crack of dawn, anxiously awaiting the "ok" to go hunt for and devour egg-encased goodies. My brothers and I went after them like crazy shoppers at a Black Friday sale.

Our Easter was a little different. I had to wake up the girls up Easter morning so they could hunt for eggs, open their baskets, and we could still be on time for church.

Molly enjoyed the hunt, and Lucy enjoyed scooting around and following her. They were both quite excited about the baskets, though Lucy obviously had no idea what was going on...

According to Molly, there were "so many eggs all over the whole house"! In fact, I hid eight. Each contained exactly one jelly bean. Molly was in absolute blissful candy heaven when I told her she could have all the candy in the eggs she found and all the candy in her
basket. I think she ate a grand total of 11 jelly beans.

My thought was that I'd rather give her less candy total and let her eat all of it at once than try to ration candy to a three year old. She was thrilled and I didn't have to worry about potential sugar issues.

You probably think I'm a crazy controlling mom. I submit this evidence to the contrary:

You can tell Lucy is my second child. Why? Because I've loosened up enough to let my 14 month old eat 2 Jelly beans. I even cut them in half for her. See, I'm relaxed and easygoing...

Molly with one of her 11 jelly beans:

Lucy Toddler refusing to look at the camera in her Easter dress:

Molly Toddler (Note the fairy wand. We had quite the tantrum when she wasn't aloud to take it into church... ):

Somehow, these are the only two pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses. Oops!

Egg Hunt 2011

The day before Easter, we met up with some old friends (10 years since I'd seen them) and our Toddlers had a low key egg hunt.

Here are some highlights.

Molly Toddler and her super cheese face:

Molly shows off her eggs:

Lucy Toddler with Papa Toddler:

Lucy dropping eggs into her "basket":

Lucy's scrunchy cheese face:

Molly the bubble queen:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday & Saturday Highlights 4/22/11

Me: Your juice is on the table.
Molly: Thanks Mommy! You're such a good juice maker!

Me: Would you like some cheese?
Molly: Cheese you say?
Imagine the last phrase spoken by a curious Englishman. That's what it sounded like.

Me: Stop making yourself cough- you'll throw up!
Molly: Do you know why I am coughing? It's because there are germs in my body that I need to spit out. That's why I'm going to throw up, to get them out.

And here's an adorable picture of Lucy:

Lucy's First Shriner's Visit

Lucy Toddler's first Shriner's hospital visit was this morning.

She had a range of motion examination, during which it was confirmed that her hips, knees and ankles are very hyper-flexible. Her knees have improved from the strength training in physical therapy, but her ankles still easily allowed her feet to bend almost up to her shins. It's creepy.

Obviously, this kind of flexibly makes walking a scary and uncomfortable thing to learn. Even with high quality high top shoes, her ankles turn every which way. The doctor said she would benefit greatly from some ankle braces. She cooperated fairly well during the casting process, and we will get them in a month. The hope is that once she gets them, she will feel comfortable enough to begin learning to stand independently and eventually walk.

Her x-rays showed some "steepness" in her pelvis in the socket where the top of the femur sits. This is probably just because she's only recently started weight bearing. They said they'd take a look at her next appointment to see if it's resolved itself.

I think the staff was a little nonplussed at my lack of worry over the whole affair. It took almost 3 months to get this appointment. If we'd gone in January, I would have been a nervous wreck. Three months of hard work in and out of therapy change your perspective.

Leg braces? Great!
Little tiny walker? Fabulous!
A prescription for more therapy 2-3times a week?
Bring it on. We can do this.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday Highlights 4/21/11

Last night, all of our fire alarms went off at about 11:30.

It's very difficult to think clearly when your ears are being assaulted. After what seemed like 5 hours of incessant ringing (probably more like 10 minutes), Brian realized that it must be the humidifier in Molly's room. Sigh...

The amazing thing was that Molly slept through the whole thing. Lucy did NOT. Poor thing. Perhaps that is why she slept until 9:30 this morning: long past the moment when the mommy fear hits and you have to restrain yourself from going in and checking on them. I am a firm believer in not waking up kids unless you absolutely must. I refrained, and she woke up happy and hungry at 9:30, and went own for a nap at 11:00. Apparently she's decided to change her schedule just in time for our 9:00AM 4 hour Shriner's appointment tomorrow. Joy.

Here is the best of Molly for today:

Molly: I don't want to watch Sesame Street. I want to watch Caillou. And he is on Netflix. So I need you to come help me get some Netflix on the big TV.

Molly: Do you know what smells good?
Me: No, what?
Molly: You smell good! I love you!

Me: Ok...
I follow her into the bathroom.
Molly: Um, I'm going to have privacy mommy please.
She called me back to wipe her and gave me a little too much information.
Molly: Did you know that at Grandma and Papa's house, Papa want privacy when he goes to the bathroom? And I waited and waited for him, and he was very busy!

Molly: Can I watch the Veggie Tales pirate show?
Me: In a minute...
Molly (flexes her arm and points her elbow at me): AAAARRRM!
Me: What?!
Molly: I'm saying "AAAARRRM!". Like a pirate does.
I just about lost it... :-p

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday Highlights 4/20/11

Me: Hey there sweetie, what are you up to in your room?
Molly: Um, could you please leave me alone.
At least she said please...

Me: We're going to take dinner to someone's house. They are very sick, so we can just wave from the car... Why are you making that face?
Molly: I'm being serious. I'm very serious about that story you are telling me.

Molly: How do we live like this?
We were taking a walk and she asked this out of the blue. I'm not really sure what she wanted to know :-p

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday Highlights 4/19/11

Today was one of those days.

Tuesdays are when the Toddler girls normally attend Mother's Day Out and I have a few precious hours to run errands and go to the bathroom alone. Lucy Toddler, who is 14 months old today, had an eye appointment this morning. Because of family history and her tendency to photograph with her eyes not focused properly, we wanted to make sure everything was ok (it was).

Though at least part of my morning was taken up with the appointment, I hoped to take Molly to MDO first, go to the appointment, take Lucy to MDO, and then have an hour or two of alone time. However, when Molly woke with a fever, I knew it was not to be. So instead of a productive, childless day, I got to take Lucy to the doctor and bring a sick Molly with me. Yay.

While we were at the eye doctor, an aid told us to go back into the waiting room.
Molly: Um.. Mommy, is this the "white" room.
Me: What?
Molly: The "white" room. The lady told us to be in the "white" room. This room is blue.
Me (laughing): It's the waiting room sweetie. The lady just said it with an accent.
Around here, "wait" is often pronounced "white". I am amused that my Arkansas born, Louisiana dwelling daughter can't understand someone speaking with a thick Southern accent. Clearly I'm doing something right. Hehe...

While we were snuggling this morning I promised Molly Toddler a special surprise if she was good at the doctor. She began guessing:
Molly: Is it a new umbrella? Maybe a DORA umbrella?
Me: You'll just have to wait. It's a surprise!
Molly was absolutely wonderful during the appointment, so afterwards I decided to be a very bad mommy and get her a (non-caffeinated) frappucino from Starbucks.
Me: Would you like a strawberry drink or a vanilla drink?
Molly: VAMINNA! (Like granola, vanilla is one of the few words Molly just can't get. I love it.)
Once I gave it to her I didn't hear from her for several minutes. Eventually, she came up for air.
Molly: Mommy... this is kind of a really big drink.
In the end, she only drank a third of it. I feel less guilty. :-)

Post appointment and Starbucks, I arrived home with a sick kid, cranky toddler, and a long to-do list. I was greeted by a mini-flood. This morning, I'd put a pitcher of water under the filter right before we left and forgot to turn of the spout. The result: the filter system began to back up and leaked underneath the sink, into the cabinet, and onto the kitchen floor. I had to clean out the cabinet under the sink and throw away a lot of stuff. Nothing was expensive or irreplaceable, and for that I am thankful.

Molly took a very long nap this afternoon, and her fever broke. The cabinet underneath the sink is cleaned out and drying. My to-do list can wait until tomorrow. This too shall pass.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Highlights 3/14/11

Me: What do you want to drink?
Molly: Um........ I want to think about butterflies.
Me: Ok, but what do you want to drink?
Molly: Juice.
I love that she thought I said "what do you want to think", considered, and answered as though it was a normal question to ask.

Me: I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back.
Molly: Oh, do you want me to come too?
Me: No sweetie, I'll be fine by myself.
Molly: Ok, well call if you need me!
Who is the mommy here? :-p

Molly: I thought I was grown up and going to get a husband.
Me: Not yet sweetie. And where did you get that idea?
Molly: From my brother!

Molly fell asleep in my arms while we were watching a show. This is the first time this has happened since she was a newborn.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Highlights 4/17/11

While I was climbing Mt. Washmore, Molly went into the laundry room with a mischievous look on her face.
Me: Molly, what are you doing in there?
Molly (twirls and bats eyelashes): I want to help you do the laundry, please!
I melted. She really meant it.

I decided to have a garage sale last weekend (thus the brief hiatus), and my brother Ryan graciously helped watch the girls Friday morning. A friend brought her boys over as well, so things were quite lively. Eventually though, Ryan encountered a situation he did not know how to handle.
Ryan: Hey, I really need some back up.
Me: Coming... What's wrong?
Ryan: Um, I'm not sure what happened, but they're naked.
Me (after laughing uproariously): Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
Ryan: They were sitting nicely on the couch watching a show and all of the sudden they were both running around with no clothes on. I asked him (Molly's friend) where his clothes were, and he said "I lost them".
Me: Molly, what happened to your clothes?
Eventually, both children were re-clothed and all was well. I'm just so used to the constant partial nudity that comes with taming toddlers that it wouldn't have occurred to me to think of it as a situation...

Molly: Oh no mommy, it's messy!
Me: What's messy?
Molly: This bowl. I made something?
Me: Oh no, what's that?
Molly: It's pink ink!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thursday Highlights 4/13/11

Molly: You can't really talk about me.
Me: Why not?
Molly: I don't have any names!
Me: Ah, I see.
Molly: I'm getting ready for Halloween. Lets go potty now.

Molly: What is that bee doing?
Me: I don't know.
Molly: I think he's drinking a soda. And it's making his tummy hurt. That's why he's making that face.
I LOVE that she a) said soda not coke and b) assumes illness instead of drunkenness.

Molly singing the Winnie the Pooh Exercise song:
Up, down touch the ground
Let me in the moon...

Wednesday Highlights 4/13/2011

Me: Woooooo! I'm gonna get you.
Molly (matter-of-fact-ly): You're very spooky this week.

Molly: Lucy! Stop taking my food.
Me: Sweetie it's pretend, you can share a piece with her.
Molly: Ok... here you go Lucy.
Lucy: Thank you!
Molly: Awwww... here's another one sweetheart!

Lucy has started making this face constantly:

Hope it doesn't freeze that way...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday and Monday Highlights 4/11/11

Me: Deal? Lets shake on it?
Molly: (shakes her arms excitedly...)

Molly (singing): Father Don't Die
Father Don't Die
Father Don't Die
Cause I dont' want you do die
And when you don't die, I'll kiss you goodnight.
Me: Why are you singing that song?
Molly: Because I don't want to die. And I don't want daddy to die. So I am singing this song.

I had a band-aid on my finger this morning and was tapping the steering wheel while driving.
Molly: Mommy, stop tapping your finger!
Me: What?
Molly: Don't tap the steering wheel with your left thumb. You're going to hurt your owie!
Me: Ok, I'll just use my fingers instead of my thumbs.
Molly: I think that's a good idea...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lucy Tries to sing the ABCs

Lucy Toddler is starting to "sing". She babbles along in the car when I play music, and will try and match the pitch and rhythm of her favorites. Here, she attempts the ABCs:

Don't you just love her goofy laugh!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday Highlights 4/7/11

The Toddler girls and I were in the car, but I hadn't started driving yet.
Molly: It's time to go! We are pretending this car is a rocketship! 1..2...3... it's not working! 4........... 5........ I think it can't go.
I guess this was her way of telling me to stop fiddling with the iPhone and put the car in gear! In my defense I was putting on her music...

Today at the craft store and again at the grocery store Lucy Toddler was captivated by the flowers. She pointed and babbled every time we passed and even tried to say "flower" a few times. So sweet :-)

Molly: I love you!
Me: I love you too!
Molly: I love you 35!
Me: I love you 45!
Molly: No, you love me 36.

Molly (while eating lunch): I wish that these tomatoes were juggling balls...

Me: It's time to use the potty.
Molly: No, I'm being a snail.
Me: Ok, little snail, it's time to go potty.
Molly: But snails don't have bottoms!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday Highlights 4/6/11

I gave Molly Toddler a chocolate chip cookie this afternoon. She examined it, took a bite, and exclaimed "It has liiiiiiiiitle tiiiiiiiiiny bits of chocolate in it!!!".

Molly: Where is daddy?
Me: He's at work.
Molly: Sometimes, my daddy has to work and sometimes he has to practice.
This is a direct quote from the end of a favorite Signing Time episode.

Molly saw a white bird today and got so excited!
Molly: Look mommy! It's one "tuppen"!
Me: What?
Molly: It's a tuppen. Like the "tuppens" in the song.

In case you're not up to speed on the "tuppens" song, here it is:

Feed the birds, tuppence a bag :-)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday Highlights 4/5/11

This morning, Lucy Toddler pulled up on the back door to look at the dogs. She kept repeating "Dah-Guh!" and laughing hysterically. I love that it's a two syllable word. :-)

Molly: What time is it?
Me: It's 8:45. Time to leave for school!
Molly: Oh, so "H"forty five is when we leave for school?
Me: No sweetie, 8:45. It's a number not a letter. And now it's 8:47, and soon it will be 8:48.
Molly: When?
Me:... Now!
Molly: And next it will be 6:48!!!

Molly saw a nondescript train on the back of a book.
Molly: That must be one of Thomas's friends. I think it's his cousin!
I love how everything in her world must be related :-)

Molly Toddler was outside looking at the a hibiscus plant.
Molly: I think this flower is going to shut-up!
Me: Excuse me?
Molly: Shut-up!
Me: What are you saying to me?
Molly: The flower is going to shut-up. It's going to open and close that's "shut-up".
I warms my hear that that is her quite literal understanding of that word. Ah innocence :-)

In other toddler news, Molly went back to Mother's Day Out for the first time after the incident a couple weeks ago. She was much reformed. Her teacher went out of the way to tell her and me how good she was. It's silly how much this lowers my stress level.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh be careful... Outtakes

I've begin to accept the fact that Molly Toddler is probably never going to win American Idol. It's very difficult for me to get through songs she knows when we sing together before bed time. Laughter is inevitable and contagious.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B: note the burp...

Exhibit C: note the addition of head shaking...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday and Saturday Highlights 4/2/11

I gave Molly Toddler some crackers in a plastic bag. She ate them while we were driving to the store. When I opened the door to get her out she had the bag on her hand.
Molly (in a goofy voice): Hello! I'm a bag! I'm so hungry. I really need you to put some crackers in me!

Molly read me a new "letter" from her brother Michael. According to her, he sent it from the gas station...

Molly found our camera and put it around her neck.
Molly: Say cheese
Me: (half-hearted and distracted): Cheese...
Molly: Well that wasn't a very great smile. Lets try again.

I found Molly a toy goldfish-in-a-bowl at a garage sale.
Molly: Wow! My own pet! If you ever had a pet fish, where would you go?

Molly(examining a shape sorter from a garage sale): This toy is brilliant!
Me: Why is it brilliant?
Molly: Um... because I called it brilliant!
Circular reasoning works...

Molly: I think it's time for it to be Easter.
Me: Why?
Molly: Because it's not time for Halloween.
Me: What's different about them?
Molly: Well, Easter is in the morning, and Halloween is at night.

Molly: Oh no Mommy! You left the door right open!
Me: You mean wide open?
Molly: Yes, white open.

Me: We're going to church in the morning.
Molly: Yaaaaaay!
She proceeds to do a little dance, and then stopped slightly embarrassed.
Molly: Sorry Mommy. I just "freezed" out.
Me: You mean freaked out?
Molly: No, I was freezing out...