Today was one of those days.
Tuesdays are when the Toddler girls normally attend Mother's Day Out and I have a few precious hours to run errands and go to the bathroom alone. Lucy Toddler, who is 14 months old today, had an eye appointment this morning. Because of family history and her tendency to photograph with her eyes not focused properly, we wanted to make sure everything was ok (it was).
Though at least part of my morning was taken up with the appointment, I hoped to take Molly to MDO first, go to the appointment, take Lucy to MDO, and then have an hour or two of alone time. However, when Molly woke with a fever, I knew it was not to be. So instead of a productive, childless day, I got to take Lucy to the doctor and bring a sick Molly with me. Yay.
While we were at the eye doctor, an aid told us to go back into the waiting room.
Molly: Um.. Mommy, is this the "white" room.
Me: What?
Molly: The "white" room. The lady told us to be in the "white" room. This room is blue.
Me (laughing): It's the waiting room sweetie. The lady just said it with an accent.
Around here, "wait" is often pronounced "white". I am amused that my Arkansas born, Louisiana dwelling daughter can't understand someone speaking with a thick Southern accent. Clearly I'm doing something right. Hehe...
While we were snuggling this morning I promised Molly Toddler a special surprise if she was good at the doctor. She began guessing:
Molly: Is it a new umbrella? Maybe a DORA umbrella?
Me: You'll just have to wait. It's a surprise!
Molly was absolutely wonderful during the appointment, so afterwards I decided to be a very bad mommy and get her a (non-caffeinated) frappucino from Starbucks.
Me: Would you like a strawberry drink or a vanilla drink?
Molly: VAMINNA! (Like granola, vanilla is one of the few words Molly just can't get. I love it.)
Once I gave it to her I didn't hear from her for several minutes. Eventually, she came up for air.
Molly: Mommy... this is kind of a really big drink.
In the end, she only drank a third of it. I feel less guilty. :-)
Post appointment and Starbucks, I arrived home with a sick kid, cranky toddler, and a long to-do list. I was greeted by a mini-flood. This morning, I'd put a pitcher of water under the filter right before we left and forgot to turn of the spout. The result: the filter system began to back up and leaked underneath the sink, into the cabinet, and onto the kitchen floor. I had to clean out the cabinet under the sink and throw away a lot of stuff. Nothing was expensive or irreplaceable, and for that I am thankful.
Molly took a very long nap this afternoon, and her fever broke. The cabinet underneath the sink is cleaned out and drying. My to-do list can wait until tomorrow. This too shall pass.