Me: We're going to watch the ABCs Signing Time.
Molly: But I want her to watch Baby Signing Time.
Me: Well, it's time for her to start learning about the ABCs.
Molly (considers this for a moment): Ok. Then next we will watch Dora so she can start learning some Spanish words!
Molly: Ow!!! I hurt my "angles"
She was talking about her knuckles.
Lucy scooted into the office and grabbed a cup filled with Mardi Gras beads. Molly likes to use beads as pretend food and beverages.
Molly: Lucy! DON'T Drink that! It's too salty!
Molly loves reading with Papa Toddler:

Molly and Lucy had a great time playing in the pool.

Well, Molly did. Lucy's still not sure about the whole thing.

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