I showed Molly Toddler the new leg braces for Lucy. After a close examination, she mused "Mom... are they kind of like roller skates?!".
Molly started putting gloves on the end of sticks to make "Handy Helpers". She then uses them to "help" by picking up toys or making us pretend tea.
I was reprimanding Molly with a very stern look on my face. In the middle of it, she pointed at a family picture.
Molly: Look mom. That's a picture of you when you were happy. Can you please be happy now instead of mad?
In other news, Molly Toddler's unfortunate bangs situation may open the door for some acting oportunities. What do you think?

Lately when I'm getting on to Abby for something, she likes to try and divert my attention by saying, "Mommy, are you happy?" What a goob. :)