Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday Highlights 5/31/11

I saw Molly looking through the barely opened door.
Me: What are you doing?
Molly: I was "payking"!
Me: Peeking?
Molly: Yes, peeking! I was just finding you out!
Me: Finding me out?
Molly: Yes, I just wanted to see what you were doing...
Sigh... I'm trying to fight the good fight and keep my children from having a southern accent. I'm afraid it's a lost cause if she goes to school here though. At least Molly says "you guys" instead of "y'all".

I heard a strange noise coming from the bathroom and felt the need to investigate.
Me: What are you doing?
Molly: Um... I'm just making sure my nose doesn't get any bow-gers in it.
Me: Any what?
Molly: Boooooogers.

Molly and Daddy toddler were having a "star party" in her room. This involves a plastic star that is throwing the party.
Daddy (addressing the star): Are you having a party?
Star (held by Molly): ::nods vigorously::
Daddy: What kind of a party?
Molly (after whispering to the star): It's a Butterfly Duckie Party... NO.. Wait! It's a polka party!
Daddy: Is it a Butterfly Duckie Polka Party?
Molly (shaking with excitement): YES!
I think she got the polka party idea from the wiggles:

I was changing Lucy Toddler after her nap this afternoon, and she was talking up a storm. I asked her to say various things (up, diaper, mama, all done, play) and she happily obliged. Then...
Me: Do you want to play with Molly?
Lucy: Mah-nee!
Me: Molly did you hear that? Lucy said your name!
Molly: She did!!??
Me: Lucy say "Molly"!
Lucy: Mah-nee!
Molly: Hahaha. Lucy is such a character. She's such a character for saying my name to me!
Lucy's the character in this situation? Riiiiight...

And now back to our regularly scheduled program!

I had a wonderful/stressfull/amazing/crazy week in Knoxville, TN at the Destination Imagination Global Finals competition. My fabulous appraisal team had the most teams to judge of all the long term challenges (80 teams in 3 days = a LOT OF COFFEE), but I'm pretty sure we had the best time!

When I got home, Daddy Toddler had written down the following gems:

Molly Toddler was playing doctor and carefully examining Daddy Toddler's head. She finally concluded "Yes! Your eyes are bigger than your tummy!".

Daddy toddler heard Molly singing a song over and over again and eventually realized it was Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide". When he asked her why, she told him it was because she was pretending to climb a mountain.

Molly Toddler brought some paper clips up to Daddy.
Molly: Look! These are little madafinds!
Daddy: What?
Molly: Madafinds! They help us find things and make them bigger.
Daddy: Do you mean a magnifying glass?
Molly: Yes. A maga-find glass.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lucy with her walker

Daddy Toddler here, writing my first guest post for the Trenches while Mommy Toddler is inDIsposed. I have, for your enjoyment, a video of Lucy using her walker from Shriners. She doesn't go far, and she cheats near the end, but it put a smile on my face before I left for work this morning.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lucy dancing to the beat!

Lucy Toddler keeps turning a toy so she can dance to the beat.

I love how Molly is trying to steal the spotlight the whole time...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to fit orthopedic braces in shoes

Lucy Toddler got her braces on Thursday. They are intended to help with her hyperflexibility, and we hope they'll stabilize her ankles enough to help her stand and walk. They are super cute (note the lady bugs :-)!

The braces fit perfectly, but I did not anticipate how hard it would be to find shoes to fit them. I could get them in some of Molly's old size 5s, but that meant that Lucy's feet were now almost 2 inches longer than normal. She couldn't walk at all (with us holding her hands), and easily got the shoes off when left to her own devices. After spending several days searching stores, I found these:

These size 3 wide sandals came from a local Payless. The great thing about them is that they open up completely:
This means you can "simply" place the brace in and wrap the straps around:

The bottom strap was easy:

The top was trickier, but I got creative.

I attached the white sandal strap to the red Velcro of the brace:

Then I covered the sandal strap with the red brace strap, and made sure the brace strap attached to the sandal itself.


The shoes are small enough that they don't interfere too much with Lucy's gait, and they stay on well. Success!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday& Saturday Highlights 5/21/11

I showed Molly Toddler the new leg braces for Lucy. After a close examination, she mused "Mom... are they kind of like roller skates?!".

Molly started putting gloves on the end of sticks to make "Handy Helpers". She then uses them to "help" by picking up toys or making us pretend tea.

I was reprimanding Molly with a very stern look on my face. In the middle of it, she pointed at a family picture.
Molly: Look mom. That's a picture of you when you were happy. Can you please be happy now instead of mad?

In other news, Molly Toddler's unfortunate bangs situation may open the door for some acting oportunities. What do you think?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday Highlights 5/18/11

While we were snuggling this morning...
Molly: I love you "ah-keditty"
Me: Really? What does that mean?
Molly: It means that you love your whoooooole self!
Me: Do you mean "entirely"?
Molly: No, "a-fiddity"!
Me: Do you mean "infinity"?
Molly: NO! "Af-iderdy!".
You heard it here first folks.

A song by Molly:
I sing along, along with you, so you can sing along!
I sing along, along with you, so you can sing this song!
Lalalala lalalala lalalala-laaaaaaaaa

We arrived home this evening, and the trashcan was pulled out to the curb.
Me: Huh... I don't remember putting the trashcan on the curb. That's kind of freaky.
Molly: Mommy who put it there? Is it scary?
Me (realizing it must have been guy that mows our yard): It's ok sweetie. I was a little scared and then I realized it was Mr. Barney.
Molly: Barney? Like the dinosaur?
Me: Sort of.
Molly: Did grown ups move the trash can and scare you.
Me: Yes they did, but it's ok.
Molly: Do you want me to take care of them for you?
Me: What?
Molly: When I'm a grown up, I'll take care of them for you!
I never did quite figure out what she meant by that...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday Highlights 5/17/10

Molly: Hey mommy... see that video? Maybe I can jump into the computer!

Molly: I'm a princess! Bobbity Bobbity Boo! I turned this computer into a sparkle-y computer!

For a kid that can't walk, Lucy Toddler has become quite the climber! Yesterday, she managed to climb up on the fireplace, Molly's bed, and (most impressive) the couch! I walked into the living room and she was sitting next to Molly, looking quite pleased. This is both great and worrisome since I'm sure it means many bumps and bruises in the near future.

In other news, Lucy gets her leg/ankle braces this Friday. I'm excited, nervous, and hopeful.

The Beginnings of Modesty

Molly Toddler is growing up.

The other night, she streaked into the living room after a bath. When I asked if she'd like to sing a song (which she loves to do) she squirmed for a few seconds and said "Um... no thank you. I don't want to sing while I'm naked!". This is the first time I remember her being self consciousness about her birthday suit.

This morning, she was "helping" me clean off a trailer, and got her clothes soaked. This was unacceptable and she demanded to take off her shirt and pants. I told her that was fine as long as she kept her panties on, and got out her pool so she could play in the water. She then asked me "Mommy, why can't I take off my panties outside?". One step forward, two steps back...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Highlights 5/15/11

Molly Toddler prepares for the next royal wedding:

Me: I love you Molly!
Molly: I love you too!
Me: I love you three! (this is a counting game we play all the time)
Molly: NO MOM NO!!! We are NOT going to count. I am just saying "I love you too", not the number two...
I'm just impressed that my 3 1/2 year old is identifying homophones.

The other day, Molly came into the kitchen and declared "Look Mom! I'm being a chicken!".

I love that she came up with the glove-on-feet idea independently!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lucy Blows Her Nose

I've been dealing with sinus issues for the last 2 weeks. Apparently, Lucy thinks it's hilarious. She's started "blowing her nose" on anything that resembles a tissue. She's actually just blowing raspberries with her lips.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Highlights 5/10/11

Me: We're going to watch the ABCs Signing Time.
Molly: But I want her to watch Baby Signing Time.
Me: Well, it's time for her to start learning about the ABCs.
Molly (considers this for a moment): Ok. Then next we will watch Dora so she can start learning some Spanish words!

Molly: Ow!!! I hurt my "angles"
She was talking about her knuckles.

Lucy scooted into the office and grabbed a cup filled with Mardi Gras beads. Molly likes to use beads as pretend food and beverages.
Molly: Lucy! DON'T Drink that! It's too salty!

Molly loves reading with Papa Toddler:

Molly and Lucy had a great time playing in the pool.

Well, Molly did. Lucy's still not sure about the whole thing.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday Highlights 5/5/2011

I called Daddy Toddler this morning and, at some point in the conversation, called him sweetie. After I hung up...
Molly: Who was that? Was it grandma?
Me: No it was daddy.
Molly: But you called him sweetie, and sweetie is for girls.
Me: Sometimes I call your daddy sweetie.
Molly: No... sweeties are girls. It's not the difference.
She also recently told me "I'm not a kid, because kids are boys. I'm just a big girl.".

Today in Target I a had a big sneezing fit. When I finished, Lucy look at me in awe, grinned, and started fake sneezing. This went on for about 5 minutes as we walked around the store. Silly girl!

Lucy's outfit today:

I tried to get a cute picture of Molly's outfit today, but that session was an absolute failure (as are about 99% of my attempts to get a cute picture of Molly). Most of them look like this:

Or if I'm lucky, this:

Thankfully, I have a friend that can take pictures that look like this:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Twins 2 years apart?

I was going through my phone pics today. Look how cute:

In care you're wondering, that is a picture of Molly at 20 months. I did a double take. Sometimes I forget how much they look alike!

Side by side, it's obvious who's who, but they're definitely sisters!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Highlights 5/2/11

Today, I made have permanently psychologically scarred Molly Toddler . I thought to myself, "Since they're driving her crazy, I'll just trim Molly Toddler's bangs.".

Daddy Toddler's assessment: She kind of looks like a medievil male peasant. Personally, the style reminded me of this girl from Ace of Cakes:

Sigh...At least Molly's too young to know or care. Thank goodness hair grows back!

And now back to your regularly scheduled highlights:

Molly: MOOOOOM! I'm pooping! I want you to come in here and smell how stinky my poop is!
Me: Um... no thanks. I'm just going to wipe for you.
Molly: I was pooping, and it was really hurting but I kept doing it. I was really brave!

I had to bring both girls to pick up some paperwork at Shriner's today. I was going over things with a staffer when Molly came and plopped down in a seat across from us.
Molly: Hello! My name is Molly!
Staffer: Well hello...
Molly (sits properly and folds her hands on her lap): We should talk about some WORDS! I would like to say some words about TOYS!

Today, Lucy Toddler looked at my turtle shaped necklace and said "Tuh-Tah?".

Yesterday, Molly was eating a piece of bread and then exclaimed "Look, I made a face!"