Me: Because red strawberry syrup plus white milk makes pink strawberry milk.
Molly: Silly mommy.... that's not syrup. Syrup is brown!
Me: Well, there are different kinds of syrup. Syrup isn't just for pancakes, it's a type of liquid with a certain viscocity. (yes, I realize she had no idea what I was saying here, but that's how they learn, right?)
Molly:What's a liquid?
Me: Things like water, milk, and syrup are liquids. Things like ice, cereal, and wood aren't liquids. They're called solids.
Molly: Oh...

Me: Is a cracker a liquid or a solid?
Molly: Solid!
Me: Is juice a liquid or a solid?
Molly: Liquid!
This went on for a while, culminating in:
Molly: Mommy! Guess what!
Me: What?
Molly: A baby's not a liquid.
I love it!