Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Highlights 3/4/11

The Toddler girls were on a roll today.

12 month old Lucy told me "No" for the first time today. She was being extremely uncooperative while being changed and I told her to stop and let me put her diaper on. She looked at me and yelled "NO" while shaking her head back and forth. Stinker ;-)

Molly was "helping" me sort laundry when she suddenly stopped in her tracks, a pained and concerned expression on her face.
Molly: Oh no mommy... Santa forgot to bring me roller skates!
She had asked for Hello Kitty roller skates for Christmas but was told that she was too little. Considering the frequency with which she falls down for no reason at all, the addition of wheels was frightening :-p

The toddler girls and I drove to Ruston today to pick up my very sick brother and take him to the doctor. Molly was quite worried.
Molly: Why is uncle Ryan sick?
Me: Because he got your sick germs last week.
Molly: But I'm not sick, I'm all better now!
Me: That's true. That's why we're taking Uncle Ryan to the doctor. We want him to be all better too!
Molly: I'm healthy mom. I'm as healthy as can be!

I let Molly open some junk mail. She took out a piece of paper and excitedly said: "Look mom, it's the instructions!"

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