Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Highlights 3/13/2011

Today in the church nursery, Lucy grabbed the Lego table and pulled herself from sitting on my lap to standing. It was a big deal :-)

This afternoon, Molly and I planted a window sill herb garden and some flower bed lilies. Here are just a few gems from our time outside:

I pulled some old tools out of the garage.
Molly: Oh Mommy... Thank you so much for my wonderful new tools! I'm going to dig and dig and DIG!

After a while, we found an earthworm and I explained what it was and how they help our garden grow.
Molly: Next time I will find a pink worm!
Me: Sweetie, earth worms are usually brown, not pink.
Molly: Then I will find a red and blue one!
I realized after a moment that she was looking for sour gummy worms in the dirt...

A few more digs and I found an evil grub worm. Molly was curious about my reaction.
Molly: Mommy, is that a bad worm?
Me: Well, he wants to eat our flowers so he has to go!
Molly: Oh... But what is his name?!
Me: He's a grub worm.
Molly: Did he have bad manners?

Molly: I got some mail! It's 45 morning. I've got some 45 morning for my yellow house!
Reading a some of the "mail"...
Molly: Thank you for Daddy and Mommy and Matthew and Uncle Ryan and Uncle Ryan's sick and coughs a lot. And thank you for God and Jaiden.

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